Patients' Group
We want to improve our service to you - and we need your guidance on how best to do this. So the Patient's Group was formed so that we could hear your views.
Find out more about what the group does and its terms of reference.
If you’re interested in joining the group, please contact Jill Wadsworth,
"The Patient Group's next major project is to respond to the patient’s request that the waiting area could be more interesting and stimulating.
We would like to thank everyone who voted for us in Skipton Building Society’s Grassroots Giving 2018. We’re delighted to tell you that we have been successful in securing this year’s
funding. We are now in the process of getting a TV screen for the waiting area to promote self-care."
Date of next meeting
future meetings:-
Monday 20th November 2023, at 6.30pm
terms of reference
Minutes of previous meetings
Minutes of previous meeting can be downloaded here once approved at the following meeting.
PPG Meeting Minutes 18th November 2024.d[...]
Microsoft Word document [35.5 KB]
Group mins 9th September 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [32.1 KB]
PPG Group mins 11 March 2024.docx
Microsoft Word document [35.6 KB]
PPG Group mins 22 January 2024 (002).doc[...]
Microsoft Word document [36.4 KB]
PPG Group mins 20 November 2023.docx
Microsoft Word document [32.4 KB]
PPG Group mins 11 September 2023.docx
Microsoft Word document [30.4 KB]
PPG Group mins 17 July 2023.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.9 KB]
Approved PPG AGM 16 May 2022.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.7 KB]
PPG Group 13 March 2023.docx
Microsoft Word document [25.1 KB]
ppg mins 16 Jan 23.docx
Microsoft Word document [27.6 KB]
PPG Minutes 14 November 22.docx
Microsoft Word document [32.9 KB]
PPG Minutes 12 Sept 22.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.4 KB]
Microsoft Word document [29.3 KB]
Unapproved PPG AGM 16 May 2022.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.7 KB]
PPG Group Minutes 7th March 2022 Minutes[...]
Microsoft Word document [20.5 KB]
Revised PPG Group Minutes 18th October 2[...]
Microsoft Word document [22.5 KB]
AGM 2021 Minutes.2.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.6 KB]
January 2021 Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [24.4 KB]
January 13th 2020 Minutes_V2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [206.0 KB]
19.09.09 Minutes PPG Meeting.docx
Microsoft Word document [21.3 KB]
Monday 8th July 2019 Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [20.8 KB]
AGM Minutes May 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [125.4 KB]
March 11th 2019 Minutes_.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [49.4 KB]
Minutes Meeting 12th November 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.5 KB]
Minutes 10th September 18.docx
Microsoft Word document [20.0 KB]
Minutes AGM 2018.docx
Microsoft Word document [24.6 KB]
12.03.18 - Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [24.9 KB]
Minutes15th January.docx
Microsoft Word document [23.5 KB]
Minutes of PPG 13th Nov 2017.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.1 KB]
Minutes of PPG 11th September.docx
Microsoft Word document [29.3 KB]
Minutes of PPG 10th July 2017.doc
Microsoft Word document [49.0 KB]
Minutes meeting March 13th.docx
Microsoft Word document [19.7 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 9th [...]
Microsoft Word document [45.5 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 21st[...]
Microsoft Word document [41.0 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 12th[...]
Microsoft Word document [40.0 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 11th[...]
Microsoft Word document [43.5 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 10th[...]
Microsoft Word document [43.5 KB]
CQC Presentation - Website.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [831.4 KB]
Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice 9th [...]
Microsoft Word document [53.0 KB]
Minutes PPG Meeting 14th September 2015 [...]
Microsoft Word document [29.0 KB]
Minutes PPG Meeting 13th July 2015.docx
Microsoft Word document [30.9 KB]
Minutes Meeting 11th May 2015.docx
Microsoft Word document [28.7 KB]
Minutes Meeting 9th March 2015-2.docx
Microsoft Word document [31.8 KB]
Minutes Meeting 12th January 2015.docx
Microsoft Word document [29.0 KB]
Minutes Meeting 10th November 2014.docx
Microsoft Word document [24.2 KB]
Minutes Meeting 8th September 2014.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.1 KB]
Minutes Meeting 14th July 2014.docx
Microsoft Word document [21.1 KB]
Minutes 10th March 2014.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.1 KB]
Minutes 20th January 2014.docx
Microsoft Word document [25.8 KB]
Minutes 16th September 2013.docx
Microsoft Word document [26.1 KB]
Minutes 121119(1).docx
Microsoft Word document [21.5 KB]
120820 Minutes.docx
Microsoft Word document [20.7 KB]